Barnstoneworth United Football Club
Orange NSW
Dear Barnies Club Members,
Please participate in the First annual Barnies FC Orange Blood Drive!
Anyone can donate whether a player or not. Challenge a family member to give. Just book through the links below. If you can’t find a time that suites, please add a Facebook comment, and we will make one that does.
We have a target of 20 donations between Plasma and Whole blood.
The drive is for the week of July 22nd to 26th
It would be great to see first timers roll up their sleeve and give.
It is a simple, painless process and, if you give whole blood it is really only 15 minutes of your time, plus, you get a free party pie when you are done!
I have recently given my 100th donation and I’m putting out the challenge to the entire club to give and reach our target of 20 donations in a week.
New to donation?
First set up an account
Then choose a day and time below
Already a donor?
Choose from the below dates and times...
If there are no times available or that you like, please put a comment in Facebook with the date and morning or afternoon and we will find one for you.
Monday 22 July 2024 starting from 03.00 PM
Plasma: pick a time.
Whole Blood: pick a time.
Tuesday 23 July 2024 starting from 08.00 AM
Whole Blood: pick a time.
Wednesday 24 July 2024 starting from 04.00 PM (Please try and fill these appointments first)
Plasma & Whole Blood: pick a time.
Thursday 25 July 2024 starting from 03.30 PM
Whole Blood: pick a time.
Friday 26 July 2024 starting from 08.00 AM
Whole Blood: pick a time.
Thanks for being part of the Barnstoneworth United Football Club - Orange Lifeblood Team.