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7 July Rangers Beyond derby small.jpg

2024 was an excellent year for Barnies with teams performing well across the grades. We did not win every trophy but we punched above our weight for a small club.


Barnies supports both Juniors and Seniors football. Most years in the juniors have teams so please register your young players. We are always on the lookout for junior coaches and have an excellent coach support program.


In the seniors Barnies fields teams in all grades of our local ODFA competition - Female All Age, Mixed A, B & C Grades.


Barnstoneworth United FC (Barnies) is a family oriented club focused on mateship and enjoyment of football. We always do our best on the pitch but just as important as having a go is the social time with club-mates after a match.

Season 2025 - Upcoming Events


  • Sunday 2nd and Sunday 9th February - A & B Grade Tryouts

Both trials will be held at Jack Brabham - Huntley road side, starting at 4:30pm.

We welcome all players who are interested in joining our teams to attend these trials. This is a great opportunity to be a part of a dynamic and competitive team, and we encourage you to come and give it your best shot. If you know someone looking for a team to play for, bring them along! 

  • Sundays through Jan, Feb & Mar: Sunday Kick-around.
    Open to all grades, ages and skills.

    4:30pm at Jack Brabham Park (Huntley Rd side).
    Bring a friend!


General Information:

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